About Us

Bluechip Securities Ltd. (BSL) (DSE TREC NO# 47) was established in January 24, 2017 by Mr. Mujibur Rahman. He is the Deputy Managing Director of Uttara Group of Companies which is one of the biggest business conglomerates in Bangladesh. At BSL, unlike the existing conventional brokerage platforms we consider ourselves successful when our clients get benefitted from their valuable investments. We have been consistently successful in providing effective and insightful information of the capital market to help our valuable investors make correct decision. This has been possible because BSL puts special emphasis in making insightful research and analysis on day to day capital market. Our specialized sales and research team ensures the flow of well thought and well-researched stock ideas and investment strategies.

Our Mission and Vision

BSL aims to be a financially sound and reliable Company by putting the benefits of the clients first and then the benefit of the Company. Its mission is to aim for a consistent growth of wealth for both investors and individual clients. We aim to reach the top of the market by working with the best people with continuous scope of learning, improvements and adapting to changes.

Why Bluechip Securities ltd.?

  • In-depth and up to date research and analysis of the Capital market.
  • Significant and relevant information on lucrative investment opportunities
  • Expert advisory on investment decision
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